
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) offer a comprehensive integrated framework to address gender inequality in South Asia. The idea for this study – exploring the intersectionality of SDG 5 with other goals – emerged at the Regional Steering Group Meeting of the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) – South Asia in 2019. WISCOMP took lead in conceptualising this study and is thankful for the inputs received from the GPPAC South Asia Gender Focal Points in shaping it. We are also particularly thankful to Ms Maja Vitas Majstoroviæ, Gender and Inclusivity Specialist at GPPAC for her valuable feedback on the study’s
This study, the first of its kind in South Asia, was undertaken at the most challenging times during COVID-19 pandemic. All our authors – Ms Lailuma Nasiri, Afghanistan Justice Organisation, Mr Ashish Banik, Bangladesh Enterprise Institute, Dr Mallika Joseph, WISCOMP, Ms Surabhi Singh, Didi Bahini Nepal, Dr Arshi Hashmi Saleem, National Defence University, Pakistan, and Amb. Swarna Sumanasekara, Association of War Affected Women, Sri Lanka – have risen to the challenge and consulted various stakeholders in completing their study. We are thankful for their dedication, commitment, insight and time in exploring the interlinked gender-specific targets in their respective countries and presenting refreshing narratives on the subject. We also acknowledge and appreciate the contribution by all the experts the authors consulted in their countries in preparing this study. This will go a long way in serving as an advocacy tool for everyone working on gender in South Asia.
We are very grateful for the support received from GPPAC and GPPAC South Asia, particularly its Secretariat, the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies, ably headed by Prof Gamini Keerawella, for the trust reposed in WISCOMP to undertake this pathbreaking study.