
Hydropower Development, Economic Growth and Social Equality: Mekong Region (ASEAN-Canada Working Paper No. 5, 2014)

Organisation: NTS, RSIS

Authors: Ly Kesa
Research Themes:
Poverty and economic security
Type: Working Papers
28 April 2014



The Lower Mekong Basin has an estimated total hydropower generation potential of nearly 30,000 MW. However, it constitutes only about six to eight percent of the total estimated demand in the Lower Mekong Basin by 2030. According to high demand of electricity, the government of Cambodia, Vietnam and Loas has developed their hydropower potential for supplying in their country and exporting to neighbor countries. Through this hydropower development, the economic growth in countries is speeded up. Anyway, hydropower has negative impact on the natural resources and it services which will effect on the community who rely on these resources and services. In the case of Yali Falls, the Cambodian people lost their property, animal, crops and family member as a result of flood. The dam has also made them lose their income from fish and increase their spending to buy meat for domestic consumption.