
Balancing Sustainable Growth and Forest Conservation through Spatial Planning for a Green Economy in the Heart of Borneo (ASEAN-Canada Working Paper No. 3, 2016)

Organisation: NTS, RSIS

Authors: Paramitha Yanindraputri
Research Themes:
Environmental security and climate change
Type: Working Papers
19 October 2016



Uncontrolled development in Borneo will potentially increase economic activities in relation to transport infrastructure and urbanisation, and further exert pressures on the environment, particularly in protected forest areas. Attempts have been made at resolving situational conflicts between economic growth and nature conservation by using the concept of a green economy through spatial planning as Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam set targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Within the Heart of Borneo (HoB) initiative, the three countries have agreed to collaborate on managing forest resources and conserving protected areas. Nevertheless, several factors are needed to optimally manage the sustainability of the HoB region through spatial planning for a green economy. This study was conducted to identify the driving forces necessary to effectively plan and implement the green approach through spatial planning within the HoB initiative. National governments should aim to assist spatial planning and implementation processes at the local levels in each country.